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The Monthly Pulse – Recruiters (July 2023)

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The Monthly Pulse
Industry News
'Be a goldfish' and 16 more Ted Lasso lessons for hospital leaders
The Story
Apple TV recently wrapped its award-winning TV series, Ted Lasso. The show follows a UK-based football team and Lasso, the American football coach who winds up leading them unexpectedly. While its main focus may seem to be about sports on the surface, there are several deeper leadership messages that can be taken away, many of which are especially applicable in healthcare right now.
What You Should Know
The eternal optimist, Ted Lasso encourages his players to find the good in every situation, and to never focus on the bad for more than 10 seconds (similar to a goldfish’s short-term memory). The character also expresses his vulnerability — a move that can make leaders more relatable — leads with empathy, and empowers his players to embrace challenges. Finally, Lasso reminds us that no one player is bigger than the team, having the courage to take chances can pay off, and we should always keep an open mind to stay teachable no matter how far we’ve come.
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Understanding peer support: a qualitative interview study of doctors one year after seeking support
The Story
Like anyone else, doctors need help for a range of issues including professional, personal, and medical challenges. Recently, doctors in Norway were interviewed a year after receiving peer support services to share their experiences. The doctors commended the psychological safety they perceived and the flexible, confidential nature of the support service, rating the system as overall beneficial to their mental and professional wellbeing.
What You Should Know
Declining job satisfaction and increased burnout are worsening issues among doctors. Providing the right resources to help physicians thrive in their roles and navigate challenges effectively is an important aspect of workplace satisfaction. While peer support is commonly offered in other countries, it’s not as widely provided in the U.S. Implementing a peer support system for doctors could help hospitals in bolstering job satisfaction, morale, and overall wellbeing for their employees, in addition to being a powerful tool for recruitment and retention.
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Recruiting for the Future: Academic Medicine’s Role in Educating the Next Generation of Doctors
The Story
Medical professionals have a variety of career options to pursue, including clinical practice, research, and academia. Academic medicine is unique in that it allows physicians the ability to conduct research and educate new healthcare providers. While the role can be fulfilling and allows professionals to give back, it isn’t always the easiest to recruit for, but there are strategies you can use to improve your prospects.
What You Should Know
To recruit for academic medicine, help candidates see all the value the role has to offer. For example, it allows for the opportunity to provide hands-on care while leading the next generation of physicians. It also offers limitless career potential, as there are a variety of roles available. Finally, physicians in these roles experience lower burnout rates and higher overall job satisfaction.
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Leadership Reflections
A New Financial Reality
Economic indicators such as GDP, inflation, corporate earnings, interest rates, and unemployment are pointing in so many different directions right now that it’s hard to get a read on where things are actually headed. It is not surprising, then, that uncertainty dominates our healthcare industry. I recently read the article, 30 health systems ranked by operating margins, indicating that out of these top health systems, nearly half of them are losing money. Of those that are profitable, the margins are extremely slim.

Navigating uncertain economic conditions can pose significant challenges for healthcare leaders. Here are some potential strategies to consider:
  1. Stay informed to understand the broader economic landscape and its potential impact on the healthcare sector.
  2. Assess potential risks and opportunities and develop contingency plans accordingly.
  3. Foster agility and flexibility so you'll be better equipped to navigate uncertainties and seize opportunities as they arise.
  4. Conduct scenario planning to anticipate various possibilities and prepare strategies.
  5. Strengthen financial management to weather economic uncertainties more effectively.
  6. Enhance collaboration and partnerships that could open doors to new opportunities and innovative solutions.
  7. Prioritize patient-centered care, since a strong reputation can help your organization withstand economic fluctuations.
  8. Leverage technology and data to streamline processes, improve decision-making, and optimize resource allocation.
  9. Engage and communicate with stakeholders to build trust, alleviate uncertainty, and help you understand their concerns and expectations.
Economic conditions may be uncertain, but strategic planning, adaptability, and a patient-centered approach can help healthcare leaders successfully navigate these challenges and position their organizations for long-term success.
Daryl Bert
Daryl Bert
t: 540-421-0696
Upcoming Events

AAPPR/SEPRA Webinar: Uncharted Territory – A Roadmap to Provider Compensation in a New Era
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Wed., July 19
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AAPPR Roundtable - Onboarding and Retention
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Tues., July 25
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Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference
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Sun., Aug. 6 - Tues., Aug. 8
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Southwest Physican Recruiters Association (SWRPA) Conference
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Thurs., Sept. 21 - Fri., Sept. 22
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