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The Monthly Pulse – Recruiters (July 2022)

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The Monthly Pulse
Industry News
How Unconscious Bias Affects Recruiting (and How to Overcome It)
The Story
Most individuals have some unconscious biases, which are social stereotypes that form outside of your awareness. They may be based on your experiences, upbringing, or environment. Although you may not recognize them, it’s still possible — and important — to address them.
What You Should Know
The antidote to unconscious biases in healthcare recruiting is mindfulness. Next time you’re sifting through resumes, give extra time and attention to any candidates you move to the rejection pile. Issues like lack of skills, experience, or education may be indisputable, but for less tangible factors, try asking yourself, “So what?” This may open the door to hidden biases that you can begin confronting for a more mindful approach to talent sourcing.
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Mistreatment Experiences, Protective Workplace Systems, and Occupational Distress in Physicians
The Story
According to a survey of more than 1,500 physicians, nearly a quarter of doctors experienced some form of mistreatment in the last year, often from patients and visitors. The mistreatment was associated with several important factors, including decrease in professional fulfillment, greater intent to leave, and burnout. Women were more than twice as likely as their male peers to experience the mistreatment.
What You Should Know
While it may not be possible to prevent every instance of mistreatment from patients or visitors, the research indicates that establishing a protective workplace system supports better occupational well-being. Failure to put protective measures in place and allowing mistreatment to continue, on the other hand, could be disastrous for healthcare organizations. According to the study, mistreatment was linked with 711% higher odds of intending to leave. Bystander training, policies for dismissing abusive patients, and publishing expectations for patient behavior may be ways to take an employee-centered approach to mistreatment prevention.
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Employer Branding: Why It Matters More Than Ever
The Story
Employer branding is important for the attraction and retention of quality medical professionals. In today’s competitive labor market, it’s more worthwhile than ever to focus on branding initiatives that position your healthcare organization as a desirable employer, both for current and prospective employees.
What You Should Know
Aside from simply attracting top talent, the benefits of employer branding span far and wide. It improves your reputation among current employees, which could attract future hires. It also encourages current employees to become advocates for your organization. In turn, this could help to keep your recruitment and advertising budget down. Collaborate with your marketing, leadership, and human resources teams to focus on strategies that enhance your branding for both current employees and future hires.
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Leadership Reflections
Adam Grant is an organizational psychologist, bestselling author, and Wharton’s top-rated professor for seven straight years. One of his recent posts led me to reflect on how I respond to problems and the type of problem-solving environment I’m creating for my team. It was simply this:
  • Cynicism: We have a problem, but they don’t want to solve it.
  • Pessimism: We have a problem, but we can’t solve it.
  • Optimism: We have a problem, and we can solve it.
  • Responsibility: We have a problem. Can I help solve it?
  • Initiative: We have a problem. Here’s how I’m solving it.
Here are three things Adam suggests we can do to encourage initiative and proactivity:
  1. Model it - Replace, “That’s the way we’ve always done it,” with, “What if we tried it a different way?”
  2. Celebrate it - Applaud initiative when you see it to help others recognize and associate it with a positive response.
  3. Enable it - Invite team members to point out problems even if they don’t have a solution. Criticize yourself out loud, which shows people you’re open to being challenged.
If you’ve created an environment that fosters initiative, I’d love to hear what’s worked for you!
Daryl Bert
Daryl Bert
t: 540-421-0696
Upcoming Events
SEPRA Live Webinar: The Imperative to Approach Medical Staff Development Planning Differently
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Wed., Jul 13
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AAPPR Roundtable: Getting Organized to Recruit, Onboard, and Retain Top Talent
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Wed., July 27
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Certified Physician/Provider Recruitment Professional (CPRP) Certification Course
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Sat., Oct 8 - Sun., Oct 9
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